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Next Mission: July 1 - 6, 2025


Anachnu Echod – We Are One

A Wife’s Journal of Ohr Somayach’s Summer Mentors Mission

It happens twice each year: a group of frum businessmen drops everything to join Ohr Somayach’s Mentors Mission in Eretz Yisroel, where they spend 5 days learning with and mentoring secular American college students.

Mrs. Malka Leah Josephs, wife of a mentor, shares her journal of the trip with Sparks readers.

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To’ameha: A Taste of Shabbos, a Taste of Yiddishkeit

<i>To’ameha</i>: A Taste of <i>Shabbos</i>, a Taste of <i>Yiddishkeit</i> Rabbi Yitzchok Greenblatt and Danny Lemberg at Toameha

It's the air.

Not just the crisp mountain air of the Catskill mountains, where tens of thousands of Jewish families spend the summer, but also the air of adventure and anticipation.

The place? Tamarack - An Upstate New York bungalow colony

The event? A Mentors Mission Shabbaton, hosted by super-hosts Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wolfson, and co-host Rabbi and Mrs. Meir Kaplowitz.

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Go West, my son!

Los Angeles Hosts Magnificent Mentors Mission Shabbaton
Go West, my son! Rabbi Chanan Gordon and Rabbi Zecharia Fruchthandler with mentees

In 1854, at the height of the California Gold Rush, Horace Greeley, founder and editor of the NY Tribune, wrote, “Go West, young man, and grow up with the country”, this spurred on the great gold rush of the century. 170 years later, twenty young men indeed went west – and “struck gold.” The young men were secular Jewish college graduates and professionals, and their destination was the Mentors Mission in California, where they discovered the treasure of their Jewish heritage.

They also discovered a gold mine of a community, in the Hancock Park area of Los Angeles, where local Jewish families opened their homes, and hosted the young men with unbelievable grace and warmth. Esteemed rabbonim and educators, too, welcomed the group, offering inspiration and Torah knowledge.

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Yarchei Kallah brings Ohr Somayach online fans to our famous Beis Medrash

Yarchei Kallah
R to L: Harav Rockmill, z”l, and ybl”ch, Harav Nota Schiller and Harav Nachshon Schiller, shlita.

Thousands of viewers visit Ohr Somayach’s famous website each day, where they watch, hear and read shiurim from some of the world’s greatest Torah lecturers and kiruv professionals. But nothing can compare to the experience of learning Torah live, in the Ohr Somayach Yerushalayim campus.

This summer, the yeshiva held its first Yarchei Kallah, where forty American businessmen became Ohr Somayach talmidim for a week. The experience was exhilarating – and eye-opening.

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Houston, we have a solution

Houston, we have a solution

On April 14, 1970, the crew of Apollo 13 radioed mission control with a now-famous message: “Houston - we have a problem." On Nov 12, 2023, there was a different message resonating from a mission in Houston.

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Toronto to Miami

Toronto to Miami

A Tale of Two Cities

What do frigid Toronto and sun-drenched Miami have in common? The Ohr Somayach Mentors Mission! This winter, college students gathered for two separate weekends of Torah study and camaraderie, coordinated by Ohr Somayach’s indefatigable Rabbi Bentzy Shechter. Regardless of the weather, both events were filled with light and warmth.

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Knotting tzitzis to knotty Gemaras

Knotting tzitzis to knotty Gemaras

Ohr Somayach’s Wartime Mentor Mission:
More essential than ever

Travis, a student at the University of Wisconsin, is in Israel for the first time. He’s learning how to don tefillin – in Tel Hashomer hospital, where he’s visiting wounded soldiers. He wraps the straps around his arms and makes the brachah – and the soldiers answer "Amen"

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Just One Shabbos

Just One Shabbos

It Started with a Car Ride

Bennet, a student at Texas A & M University, heard that his Lakewood host was traveling in to Brooklyn on Sunday morning to visit his parents. “My friend Simon would love to visit Yeshiva Shor Yoshuv,” he said. “That’s not far from Brooklyn. Can he get a ride with you?” His host, Mr. Lercher, was eager to help.

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Delighting in Donuts

Delighting in Donuts

“I hear Lakewood has a kosher Dunkin Donuts,” one college student, a self-proclaimed “donut addict,” said to his Ohr Somayach host. “That’s on my list of things to do in Lakewood.”

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Who gained more? It’s hard to tell.

Who gained more? It’s hard to tell.

The P. family had never hosted before – and as a Chassidishe family, with no experience in kiruv, they were a bit ambivalent. But the timing was providential.

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The price of Shabbos

The price of Shabbos

“I’m not giving up the zechus!”

Daniel, from Boca Raton, ate the Shabbos seudah with his host, Akiva Gontar. They were discussing the beauty of Shabbos, and Daniel said that he would start keeping Shabbos – after he figured out his finances.

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Jewish Professionals Mentors Mission

Jewish Professionals and Secular College Students Unite

Ohr Somayach’s Mentors Mission

What happens when a group of secular Jewish college students spends a week in Israel, together with Orthodox lawyers, financial officers and other professionals?
What happens when every moment of that week is filled with meaning and adventure?
What happens when a college student discovers the beauty of Gemarah - and gets hooked?

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Ohr Somayach Retreat

On this Side of the Atlantic…

The Ohr Somayach Summer Retreat

The Ohr Somayach experience came to the US, with a five-day Summer Retreat in Upstate New York that mirrored the Mentors’ Mission in Israel.
Twenty-eight college students from across the country joined Ohr Somayach rabbis, staff and mentors for a heady mix of Torah study, adventure, business, and camaraderie.

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Torah Meets Law School

Torah Meets Law School

Columbia University Mentor Mates Program

Mr. Shimon Falik has long been connected to Mentors Mission. So it is not surprising that he passed his passion and sense of responsibility for Klal Yisroel to his children. When his son Zevi joined Columbia Law School last year, he realized that he had the ability to engage with his peers, and inspire them.

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Boston Mentors Mission

Bonding in Boston

Boston Jewish Community hosts Mentor Mission

When mentor Sammy Simnegar and his wife Reyna returned from this summer’s Mentors Mission, they wanted to recreate the experience on a local level. Mr. Simnegar’s mission was twofold. First, he wanted to strengthen the connections made on the Mentors Mission, so that students would be able to continue learning.

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Boston Mentors Mission

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